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Industry dynamics

Attention to detail later sliding doors

1 material, sliding doors
To see that the choice of green materials, if the closet door or cabinet material formaldehyde content is too high, users will adversely affect health. According to the relevant state departments sampling found that most European imports of man-made sheet or large domestic manufacturers products meet E1 standard, while some domestic brand-name products, the formaldehyde content is often excessive. Buy when you can open the closet to see whether the smell pungent odor.
2, the thickness of the sliding door
If you use glass or silver mirror to do the door core, usually with 5mm thick; if made of wood core doors, will have a 10mm thickness for the best. Some manufacturers in order to save material costs, the use of thin wood (8mm or 6mm) instead. Thin wood, sliding it seems frivolous, shaking, poor stability, and after a period of use, easy to warpage, letter cards rails, resulting in smooth sliding not affect normal use.
4, profiles of sliding doors
Usually aluminum-based materials, but also the use of galvanized steel, requiring good rigidity, strength, easily deformed, but not too heavy, easy to shorten the life of the pulley. Door profiles made of poor quality will not take long deformation, will jump out of the door when the door pull the track.
5, the pulley sliding door
Pulley sliding door is the most important hardware components, pulleys on the market today are made of plastic pulleys, metal and glass fiber pulley sheave 3 species. Metal pulleys strength, but in contact with the race prone to noise; glass fiber pulley, containing roller bearings, sliding smooth, long-lasting wear, effective dust cassette closed structure, two anti-pumping device to ensure the safety of taxiing reliable; while some low-grade wheel sliding doors, made of organic plastic, easy to wear deformation, sliding on the ups and downs over time, open wheel structure easily into the dust inside the bearing wear, there is no guarantee flexible push-pull, not even an anti-anti-pumping device Tripper, sliding easily derailed, very safe.
6, sliding door manufacturers
Poor power sliding door manufacturer, for pre-orders, the customer may be under warranty promised beautiful promise, until problems found in the use of customer needed maintenance and other after-sales service, or a deaf ear, or excuses, or just to cope, all sorts of services the problem is exposed. Therefore, we recommend that consumers before ordering, it is necessary to fully understand the strength of manufacturers, find out the warranty period after the product installation Request product warranty card. After all, the sliding doors is a lot of money invested in durable goods.

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