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Hotel partitions, hotel type and style of decoration

Currently, the domestic hotel decoration design partition types and styles are very pluralistic. Good hotel can give off when the decoration customer consumer environment elegant and comfortable shopping experience, and thus more and more attention to the hotel business. However, some hotels may not yet decoration design tricks, the presence of large or small problem, worthy of our reflection.
Hotel partitions, hotel decoration problems you may encounter
One of the problems: lack of preparation
Hotel decoration design must be done carefully preparation. However, some investors saw only hotel profitability aura, ignoring the importance of preparation and planning, the hotel market positioning, style, type, grade orientation, as well as the design and so the lack of detailed planning, and interior design from the hotel is not only a lack of personality, profitability is also an issue.
A second question: light weight aesthetic and practical
Many hotels have cut into the decoration of such a misunderstanding: look better the more popular. Under the guidance of this idea, hotel decoration design lot of manpower and material resources are invested in appearance, but the practicality of the most basic but ignored. Applicability renovated hotel is basic, but also to provide consumers with quality services hardware support. Looked beautiful, but the interior planning is unreasonable, poor functional hotel is no one alive.
The three issues: follow the crowd blindly follow the trend
Some hotel decoration design in order to save costs or is it trendy, draw on the decor or copying other famous hotel. Surrogacy is suitable for some friends live, everyone knows, this just follow the trend of copying hotel bladder rather than success. Successful hotel decoration has its own distinctive style that reputation as it is widely known, but not blindly imitate their own characteristics consumers will only be seen as a substitute for others, what is awareness?
Hotel decoration design is not just built on the basis of money, the need to design in place, designed to put in place mainly to see the originality of thinking of the owners, make the hotel unique decoration on a grid.

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